This site is being preserved as it was on 17 September 2001 as a memorial to the life and work of Eberhard Wenzel.
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Health Promotion into the 21st Century


The 4th International conference on Health Promotion - New Players for a New Era: Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century - comes at a critical moment in the development of international strategies for health. It is almost 20 years after the World Health Organisation member states made an ambitious commitment to a global strategy of Health for All, and to the principles of primary health care through the Alma-Ata Declaration. It is ten years after the 1st International Conference on Health Promotion was held in Ottawa, Canada. That conference resulted in publication of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion which has been a source of guidance and inspiration for health promotion since that time. Subsequent international conferences and meetings have further clarified the relevance and meaning of key strategies in health promotion including healthy public policy (In Adelaide, 1988), and supportive environments for health (in Sundsvall, 1991).

The 4th International Conference on Health promotion in Jakarta is the first to be held in a developing country, and the first to involve the private sector in supporting health promotion. It provides an opportunity to reflect on what has been learned about effective health promotion, to re-examine determinants of health, and to identify the directions and strategies which are required to address the challenges of promoting health in the 21st Century.

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CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland